Friday, March 06, 2009

so i joined TWITTER!!!!!!!

yes, yes I know... I have become victim to the internet status update frenzy. sue me. it is all peer pressures fault and the need to be cool has overwhelmed my sense of internet humility. i have just about joined it all. but it is a means to create a mass following of little internet addicts that resemble is indeed a new age in technology and by all means if you can support a sister in her endeavor, please do. i rarely if ever ask for money via product or support in that way. dont really have product like some other hustling poets out there, taking care of biz, on they CD and self publish grind. I'm still very self critical in ways that has not allowed me to put my work to an actual CD or book. I did one chap book like a year and a half ago. only a few people have those. (i am working on my book manuscript as well as some future product possibilities so be on the look out)So I ask for your support via word of mouth and these internet networks. tell a friend, bring a lady-poet such as myself out to your college or venue to perform, or just stay posted. i mostly enjoy the live performances so thats where people can catch me, but in order to stay connected and to parade my coolness i am taking advantage of the quirky swag of internet networking sites. so i ask that you take the time to get on the aja-wave follow me on twitter, myspace, facebook, or here. More importantly, spread the word. i only ask that you share who i am and my work with folks.i am hoping to someday have greater influence in that way. however i can get folks connected positively using my art as a frame of reference for love, honesty, and activism. thats my movement.

Click here to follow me on TWITTER

Click here to add me on MYSPACE

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